Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Aborting the Dream

Have you ever had a dream? I mean, the vision, thought, and desire to do what it is you REALLY want to do? Like that thing you have such a passion for, there's no real price tag on it?

Yeah, I think we all do at some point.

So why don't we pursue it? Better yet, why don't we "give birth" to it?

Is it because we're concerned with complexities of life that include making money, taking care of one's family, the challenge of the financial market; friends, family, and other peers chalking up your dream to a "figment of your imagination"...?

So as a result of all of these pressures at different points, you throw up your hands and say, "you know what?! I can't deal with this! Forget about it! I was crazy for even thinking about it!" And so, that's what you do, you give up on it - you "abort it".

I remember I once asked my mom why did she name me what she did (my full name is Andre Wendell Mullen). She said, "I thought that you were such a wonder, so I took the 'A' and the 'W' and used those two initials." I just looked her and thought she was corny, but now I got something very powerful out of that.

Like a woman, we each have the right to choose whether we will give birth to the dream - the purpose that we believe we have been called to fulfill. He created each and every one of us to fulfill the mandate on our lives because someone NEEDS what's inside of you.  We give up -make the decision to abort - because we don't see how the dream addresses the complexities of life. We get scared because it isn't the stat quo - everyone isn't doing it to demonstrate that it works. When we make the decision to abort, the very thing that you was passionate about in your quiet times; the very thing that would make you smile as you would envision it; the very thing that you KNOW would and could change the way people think; the very thing that you truly believe would take and make your life feel like it has purpose... abort because you don't see how you could make it happen...

...did you ever think that you weren't designed to "make it happen"? Did you ever think that that thing that you dream about - the thing that He put in you - is what He wants you to accomplish in the first place?

That is, if you let Him show you...

When you abort the dream, you rob the world of seeing the greatness, the goodness, the awesomeness of God. What He put in you was designed to drastically affect and change someone's life. Don't abort the dream because you don't see how YOU will bring it to pass. It's bigger than you and not designed for you to do that anyway.

The complexities of life are created to cause you to abort the destiny of The Father's greatness that is in you. 

...birthing His Purpose is your right to choose...




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