Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ode to a King

Yanno, there are very few times that I actually write a blog about someone.

In fact, I would ONLY write a blog about someone who I really believed stood for the things that I do - integrity, honesty, humility, and truth.

Enter Rey King...

I have never met Rey physically. I "know" him through my partner, Jblaze, as well as the various hit records (yep, I said it. HIT RECORDS!) that J spins on FNFLive on Miami's #1 Gospel station, La Nueva 88.3FM (*shameless plug*). It was on our way to Tampa for FlavorFest last year that I actually listened to his album Young God. Now if you never heard it, you should.  The album was full of songs that were both innovative lyrically and musically. To me, the album musically and lyrically was one of the best I've heard in a minute.

His braggadocious lyrics on the goodness of God in his life was refreshing to me. It was great to hear someone FINALLY acknowledge and realize that they are victorious in Christ and that their life SHOULD AND WOULD reflect that. 

I had the privilege of watching a LiveStream with him and Rhema Soul in the studio one afternoon.  They invited thousands a people via Twitter and Facebook to join in. They did something I had NEVER seen via social media in all of my years of involvement in Christian music: They spoke about The Word. No music, just The Word.  I saw and heard first hand that Rey truly has a love for TheWord and not just the music.  Again, I was truly moved.

Recently, I came across a posting on his Facebook page of folks "correcting" him on him "likening" himself to God and I was really taken aback.  It's sad that so many of us don't want to do the work of reading the very Word that we speak (or don't speak of...that's a topic for another time). There are so many scriptures that talks about and affirms that as Christians, we are in the God class (1 John 4:4, Genesis 1:27, Colossians 3:10). It doesn't say WE ARE GOD, but we are like He who has created us.

So Rey, Kingdom salute to you, brother and all those artists who do know who they are and are not afraid to state it boldly.  I ask those of us that don't know, search the scriptures to find out who you really are in Him and let's not bash someone else because they know their rights and privileges as a child of God. 




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