Thursday, September 29, 2011

I AM Second

Wow. What a day...

This morning I woke up with a few things on my heart. I'm in a very interesting season of my life of believing for some great things and watching The Father move in my life. After a conversation with a dear friend about positioning, I thought about my place and where I am.

I got a tweet about this series, I Am Second. Now, I don't know if you're familiar with it, but the tweet I received featured Reach Records artist Lecrae (I suggest you check it fact, check them all out if you have the time). I watched his and was literally compelled to watch ALL of them on the site. I watched and listened, crying, snotting, and some points even weeping, at how transparent and open each person was. Each of them sharing how they came to the end of themselves and the beginning of God.

One testimony in particular that moved me so much, was one by Pete Briscoe (check it out below).  Most of these people I had never heard of and I certainly hadn't heard of him. He is a pastor and as he shared his testimony, he said something that was so powerful and resonated with me: "Its exhausting having to succeed. What I didn't realize is that that was my drive for so long and I had just worn myself out."

This was me... I listened, sitting in my chair in front of my computer, I simply wept...and wept....and wept...

I then wondered why God would have me to watch these videos. I asked why and He simply said, "I want you to see just how simple I am and how simple My Love is for you and everyone else that would accept it."

God desires for all of us to experience His Love through the person of His Son, Jesus. I know so many people that won't accept it because they've allowed religion to contaminate and distract them from who God really is.  Watching these videos, hearing these accounts, crying with these people as they cried, made me realize that He is indeed REAL and makes Himself REAL to those who truly desire to change.  Just because you haven't gone through hard times doesn't mean that He is any less real.

I made a decision again today.  He's first. And me...

...I am second...



1 comment :

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I am so grateful to be chosen by Him to be second because He is first. God bless and thank you.
